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Supportive Acher

Supportive Acher Decidueye - NockAnSithe

Updated Jan 2, 2022
Spirit Shackle
Spirit Shackle
Shadow Sneak
Shadow Sneak
Buddy BarrierAttack WeightFloat StoneX Speed
Spirit Shackle
Shadow Sneak
Buddy Barrier
Attack Weight
Float Stone
X Speed
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Attacker Top Lane

Decidueye is best played patiently, akin to a Jedi

Build Path


LeafageFirst Pick

Damage. Increase attack. Increase basic attack speed.

<Spirit Shackle

Spirit Shackle

Charged Damage. At max charge, stitch. (+) Increase damage to low HP Pokémon.

<Shadow Sneak

Shadow Sneak

Damage. Slow. Reduce Defense. (+) Reduce defense more.

<Nock Nock

Nock NockUNITE

Damage. AOE Damage. Increased damage to low HP. Immune to hindrances. Cannot move.

Buddy Barrier

Buddy Barrier

When using a Unite Move, shield yourself and your nearby ally with the lowest HP.

Attack Weight

Attack Weight

Permanently increases Attack upon scoring a goal.

Float Stone

Float Stone

Move faster when not in combat.

X Speed

X Speed

Temporarily increases your Movement Speed.

Stat Boosts

Attack Weight
Float Stone
Buddy Barrier
Float Stone
MS OOC+20%
Float Stone

Shield (Upon Unite)

Attack Damage (Upon Goal)


As Decidueye, you'll either go for an aggressive style (Razor Leaf) or a patient style (Spirit Shackle). For this build we will go patient style.

"No matter how confident, a jedi does not seek out aggression. A jedi must find balance and stillness."
Decidueye is frail. You will die frequently if you push too hard, or get too close to the enemy. His mobility is also very low. To counter this, and also help keep distance we take X-Speed. X-Speed also synergizes well with Spirit Shackle, allowing faster movement while aiming.

For his held items, we take permanent attack boosts over basic attack speed/crit items. Only items with Permanent Atk boosts affect the damage of Spirit Shackle, our main dmg move.

Don't rush to get into a fight. Focus on stealing farm, and staying close to your goals. Your best assests to your teammates is your ability to scout, and steal. Decidueye can make big plays, with a shot fired at the right moments.
Shadow Sneak
-Can scout for enemies, any enemy in range will be auto targeted & revealed
-Use to dodge attacks, get away quickly, or advance quickly
-Use this while attempting to score, as it will alert you if an enemy is near

Spirit Shackle
-Use it to see ahead*, charging up allows you to see more of the battlefield
-Line up your shot to hit multiple targets, your arrows penetrate
-A charged shot can finish off Rotom, Drednaw, or Articuno allowing for safe steals
-Useful for assisting the team in fights, hang back behind the goal zone & fire shots at enemies battling your team
-Does extra damage to low health enemies, making it great at killing a fleeing enemy
-Very intimidating when you've landed a few good shots, enemies will become wary to push when they see you charging a shot

-Does extra damage to lower health targets, try to be patient in it's use
-Great deterrent when you need to provide covering fire for a teammate
Decidueye can be a great assest to a team. Just remember not to push too hard, or get caught overextended. Steal objectives for your team, and support teammates in battles. Decidueye works best as a supportive attacker, firing from the back. He provides excellent locating ability to the team. The woe of many a Decidueye has been overconfidance and aggresion.

Works Well With


Sing keeps them still, for a well placed arrow


Working in sync, you can provide excellent info for this powerhouse. His misdirection skills, also allow you to land more shots.


Able to tell her where enemies are hiding, and slow them down with Spirit Shackle. Makes her job easier

Reported Icon This build was created in the game version of It may contain inaccuracies in the data that is used compared to the current version of

Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user NockAnSithe for sharing this guide on how to play Decidueye. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.

There are indeed many ways to play Decidueye in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Decidueye's moves and the items you can assign to it.

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